发布人:王晔  发布时间:2024-09-19   动态浏览次数:11

近日,外国语学院数字化外语教学团队题为“Effects of artificial intelligence learning environments on engineers’ intercultural communication competence: mediating role of learning adaptability的学术研究论文被SSCI刊物《Interactive Learning Environments》(JCR 1区,中国科学院3区,影响因子3.7)录用。该研究成果以上海电机学院为第一单位,第一作者为陈忆浓(德语教师,高级实验师),通讯作者为北京大学魏丽娜(助理研究员)

Effects of artificial intelligence learning environments on engineers’ intercultural communication competence: mediating role of learning adaptability



ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence learning environments on the intercultural communication competence of engineers. Engineering students at Chinese higher education institutions were invited to participate, and 990 students (510 males and 480 females) from different school types, majors, and grades completed an online survey. After analyses with multivariate linear regression and structural equation modelling, the results show that different dimensions of AI learning environments – including personalized learning, use of technology, and cooperation and interaction – have significant positive impacts on engineers’ intercultural communication competence and learning adaptability. At the same time, learning adaptability plays a mediating role between AI learning environments and intercultural communication competence. This study suggests that AI learning environments may have the potential to (i) enhance engineers’ intercultural communication competence and learning adaptability, an (ii) indirectly improve engineers’ intercultural communication competence through enhancements in their learning adaptability.

期刊简介:Interactive Learning Environments隶属于澳大利亚开放与远程学习协会,发表有关设计和互动学习环境应用的文章,重点关注知识共享、自适应系统、教学法等。期刊发文范围涵盖交互式学习环境设计和使用的各个方面,包括单个学习者的环境,以及学习者群体或同事之间协作的环境。该期刊已被ScopusSSCIPsycINFOAustralian Research Council (ARC) Ranked Journal List等数据库收录


数字化外语教学团队由1名教授、3名副教授、1名高级实验师及2名讲师组成。团队依托外语数字化实践及研究中心,积极对接相关企业和社区实现外语赋能,加强课程数字化建设。团队近年来承担上海市教育科学研究项目2项,教育部产学合作协同育人项目5项,企业委托科研项目30余项,在《外语教学与研究》《外语界》《外国语文》《Studies In Educational Evaluation》等国内外学术期刊发表多篇高水平论文,并有论文被人大复印资料全文转载。